Heading north

Sweden is known for its music industry, its engineering products and – more recently – for its video gaming industry. If you are heading north for your next business trip, consider these cultural insights.

Text by Oliver Friese


Heading north

Image: © Igor Stevanovic/ 123rf.com

Culture is for people, like water for fish. It surrounds us at all times, even if we don’t notice it. Culture comprises the values and attitudes that a group of people has in common and that influences their thinking and behavior. If you are foreign to a culture and are not aware of these values and attitudes, your trip might not run as smoothly as you like. So get familiar with them and overcome the cultural barriers.


Sweden has the highest level of gender equality, not only in politics but also with regard to payment, business and daily life. The Swedish economy is built on the proposition that both parents work. This is supported by a reliable network of day care centers, kindergarten and all-day schools. Sweden has the highest number of men taking parental leave in the world. Women are not economically dependent on their husbands. They take the same responsibilities in ...