Artificial Intelligence in technical communication

Artificial Intelligence is penetrating into more and more areas of our everyday work life. It is supposed to facilitate many tasks and even completely replace some. But what exactly is Artificial Intelligence and when does it come into play? A standpoint.

Text by Ursula Reuther Paul Schmidt


Artificial Intelligence in technical communication

Image: © Devrimb/

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in the field of technical communication too. Be it in the provision of usage information like in the new standard iiRDS (intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard), intelligent use of information in itself or even in the creation of information. This article primarily explores how Artificial Intelligence could penetrate the field of language processing in technical communication. In the context of this article, we understand AI as a specific approach that has established itself in recent years: Artificial Intelligence based on deep learning.

Explanation of the term

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science. It deals with the modeling, or at least the simulation, of intelligent behavior and enables a computer to solve problems independently. It is assumed that the solving of problems requires ...