Effective screenshots

Technical products often rely on software. It is therefore no wonder that many manuals use screenshots to explain operating steps. However, the quality of these graphics isn’t always great. Here is how you can make significant improvements with just a few strokes.

Text by Ute Mitschke


Effective screenshots

Image: @ juliatim/123rf.com

Almost every technical writer uses screenshots or small graphic representations. They are an easy means to explain simple facts, workflows or to show how components are assigned. The essential feature of these graphics is the use of text that conveys content together with graphic elements. Pixel graphics are often used for this purpose; however, they are not easy to manage in the documentation process and don’t meet the requirements of modern media.

Screenshots are representations of dialog fields or screen interfaces. Despite all technical advancements, they are still formed in the same way as they were 25 years ago. Although their appearance is partly defined by the operating system, the actual information content of these screenshots has changed little. Screenshots are captured with a snipping tool or a keyboard shortcut. They can represent as many pixels as are mapped on the screen.
