A strategic approach to reviewing

Are your document review cycles cumbersome and frustrating? Then you are missing their value. An integrated review process can – and should be – a keystone of a smooth quality management operation.

Text by Klaus Fleischmann


A strategic approach to reviewing

Image: © Elena Vagengeim/123rf.com

"Client language reviews – often called in-country or third-party reviews – are notorious for causing delays and frustrations for all parties involved." This is one of the findings of a Common Sense Advisory study on Rethinking Client Language Reviews. Reviewers "alter the meaning of translations, introduce mistakes, fall into an editing black hole, or sit on review files for months." So, how do we get reviewing out of this dead-end street and onto a finely tuned, strategic and solution-oriented translation highway?

Why review?

Despite all the problems, many still value the review stage as an indispensable step in the translation production process. The reason for this is rather simple: As subject-matter experts – often based in the target country – the reviewers' task is to check if the translation is a good fit for the intended purpose. They are ideally suited for this role, as they ...