How to win your board’s support for terminology management initiatives

Terminology management (TeMa) is key in all industries, but decision-makers are often unaware of its growing importance, while nobody feels responsible for tackling the issue of managing corporate language professionally. This article encourages professionals to take the initiative and campaign for TeMa projects at the group or organization level.

Text by Dino Ferrari


How to win your board’s support for terminology management initiatives

Today many customers compare and buy products on the Internet, and their number is growing fast. In the digital world, companies and their products are not perceived through sales people, but through their websites (or portals), and therefore to a large extent through texts. The quality of these texts has become a key buying criterion. This shift in perception brings terminology and TeMa into focus. TeMa by now has become an important, but still underestimated factor for economic success.

In fact, many companies (including large enterprises) manage their terminology at a basic level and in an uncoordinated way, if at all. In order to convince decision-makers of the importance of TeMa in their organization, persons who would like to promote TeMa activities should prepare themselves before starting a campaign in favor of TeMa.

First of all, the individual situation must be understood ...