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Creating content for global-ready customer experiences

More and more companies strive to achieve personalized customer experiences that speak to the user naturally and fluently. In a globalized world, personalizing content also means combining corporate branding with the cultural and linguistic needs of customers around the world.

Text by Diana Ballard


Creating content for global-ready customer experiences

By 2017, 90 percent of Internet users will access online content from smartphones and other mobile devices, increasing from 73.4 percent in 2013. Sharing life and work on the telephone opens a world of opportunity for personalized content experiences, with the power to deliver the right content, in the right language, at the right time, and on the right device or channel.

Therefore, it is no surprise, that 75 percent of mobile application developers want access to user data in order to deliver personalized content, amid concerns over privacy.

Image: What App developers want to know about the users of their Apps.
Source: www.statista.com/topics/779/mobile-internet

Location is the most sought-after data, with 32 percent of mobile application companies wanting to know where users are located.  

Beyond factual data, such as location, understanding the persona of the user remains the ...