Beyond tc – the future of technical communication

Things are changing pretty quickly these days. The source of the changes is not hard to find – everything and everyone is connected everywhere. And all this is owing to a remarkable convergence of technological innovations. For many, these changes are exciting because every day brings new services, products and capabilities. It's a great time to be a consumer. 

Text by Joe Gollner


Beyond tc – the future of technical communication

Image: © lisegagne/

For the producers of such innovations, however, these changes come as a mixed blessing: they must constantly adapt to a changing landscape of consumer demand. It's a challenging time to be a producer.

Among the people who are right in the middle of these changes are technical communicators. Most commonly, these are the people who document how products work, how they are to be used and how they can be fixed when something goes wrong. Using a mix of media types, technical communicators effectively help consumers to get the most from the products they buy. It is a vital task and its importance grows rapidly with the increasing complexity of products.

An aircraft, for example, would be easily outweighed by its documentation if all this information was printed out as hardcopy manuals. Without the work of technical communicators, these aircraft would never get off the ground, or at least ...