Establishing a business-oriented documentation workflow

When aligned with the company’s business strategy, an elaborate documentation workflow can help deliver invaluable information to the organization. This four-stage guide will get you started.

Text by Christopher Ward


Establishing a business-oriented documentation workflow

Image: © Fred-D/

Technical documentation has become a pivotal component in revenue generation for successful companies. When properly implemented, technical documentation will support a company’s overall business strategy while instilling comprehension and knowledge development in its audience. Integrated with today’s technologies, technical documentation can support an open line of communication between a company and its clients. This trusted means of communication opens an invaluable conversation portal at the most relevant times in the client/business lifecycle – the time when the product is being used.

Until now, the mindset of many companies has been to view technical documentation predominantly as a business expense. In a strategy dominated by this mindset, one’s current workflow might not be set up to transform this expense into an investment for revenue generation, or as I like to say, ROI from ...