Localizability and world-readiness for software

Software errors found after the product has been released can cost four to five times as much to fix as the ones uncovered during the design stage. And, for localized products, these costs can be multiplied by the number of target languages. Incorporating localization steps early can reduce costs and save precious nerves.

Text by Wojciech Froelich


Localizability and world-readiness for software

Image: © Ivaylo Sarayski/123rf.com

When a software development team is in the product design phase, it is easy for localization to be overlooked. Development teams are busy gathering user requirements, developing components and testing usability in the source language (most often English) – until the moment when the product manager says:

"OK, this is great! Let’s sell it in 15 countries."

If localizability hasn’t been built into the product, developers can be hurled into a costly and time-consuming spiral of retrofitting global needs onto a product, delaying global release cycles and creating inelegant, provisional workarounds that add unnecessary complication to both native and international release processes. What seemed like a great idea – to amortize development costs more quickly through global expansion – can rapidly become the source of sleepless nights for both the product manager and the development team.

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