Augmented Reality: The virtual user manual

A virtual user manual simplifies repair or service. Instead of a user guidebook or laptop, the user carries a data goggle that delivers applicable information and provides accurate orientation. Just a dream of the distant future? Or has Augmented Reality arrived in technical communication?

Text by Robert Hinesley Oliver Vogt


Augmented Reality: The virtual user manual

Augmented Reality is extended reality in which human perception is supplemented with computer-generated data. In practice, Augmented Reality is primarily used visually, with virtual objects being added to real photographs. Mobile devices in particular, which are presently performing as never before, can obtain the necessary software in no time thanks to faster networks. Not much stands in the way of the broad application of Augmented Reality.

Examples on television

Through television we already know the principle of computer-enhanced images: Offside lines or distances to goal are shown during the transmission of a football match while the game is on. Watching winter sports on TV, we see how a ski jumper jumps over the virtual flight path of his competitor.

In technical communication, Augmented Reality offers new opportunities: While users had to look for and compile information with a ...