Innovation through DITA

When documentation is migrated from legacy to DITA, work practices are also changed from the conventional processes of authoring, editing, translating, and publishing. However, many benefits of moving to DITA are not being realized when technical communicators simply modify legacy processes, rather than rethinking them completely.

Text by Tony Self


Innovation through DITA

Innovation and re-imagining

Innovation is beautifully defined on the Australian Government Business website as: "changing or creating more effective processes, products and ideas". The site follows with the important observation:

“Being innovative does not mean inventing; innovation can mean changing your business model and adapting to changes in your environment to deliver better products or services. Successful innovation should be an in-built part of your business strategy... where you create an environment and lead in innovative thinking and creative problem solving.”

For technical communicators, DITA can be the "change in your environment" that can lead to "creative problem solving". In many cases, imagination is required to dream about what might be possible. Many work practices can be re-imagined to allow better information products to be created more ...