The silent transformation of translation quality management

Emerging translation technologies have drastically changed the language services industry. Translation quality management is no longer simply about evaluating word-to-word equivalences, but about defining, measuring, and managing translation quality.

Text by Jennifer Vela Valido Katerina Gasova


Image: © kupicoo/

In a world that is more connected than ever, international communication has become the lifeblood of any global business. The importance of accurate, culturally relevant translations cannot be overestimated. The landscape of Translation Quality Management (TQM) is quietly but decisively undergoing a remarkable revolution and has expanded far beyond a mere quality control process. Today, it serves as a strategic cornerstone for organizations seeking to effectively navigate the complex world of global communication.

In this article, we take a closer look at the emerging trends and strategies that are shaping TQM. We will delve into the various factors that influence how an effective translation quality management strategy should be implemented and discuss different quality perspectives and priorities.

Understanding clients and their needs

One of the pillars of an effective Translation ...