Authors of tcworld magazine
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Leah Guren

Leah Guren is the owner/operator of Cow TC. She has been active in the field of technical communication since 1980 as a writer, manager, Help author, and usability consultant. She now devotes her time to consulting and teaching courses and seminars in technical communication, primarily in Israel and Europe.
- Six ways to improve your TC career
- Is there a place for compassion in TC?
- Conferences: something for everyone
- The TC professional: a true Jack-of-all-trades
- Resolutions for the new decade
- Meeting a moving target
- Make a medical move
- Turn to the future
- From dilettante writer to tech-savvy content developer
- Dilettantes, divas, and dinosaurs
- What we can learn from museum curators
- Developing your verbal communication
- Show them the value of TechComm!
- Presentation skills are TC skills!
- Gone are the gatekeepers
- Mover over AI - meet CI
- Cultural dimensions of software Help usage
- Zoom-proofing your presentations
- What are you worth?
- What airport wayfinding can teach TC practitioners
- The secrets of user compliance – why users ignore instructions
- Don’t use that fork! - The myth of the cultural faux pas
- The Power of "No"
- Embracing virtual conferences
- The life lessons of language
- Older is better
- Quick! What should I say?
- Contracting vs. consulting
- Communicating compassion during crisis
- Adding value through glossaries
- Minimalism in documentation
- Creating effective labels
- Pack less, provide more: What ultra-light travel has taught me about minimalism in documentation
- Say goodbye and move on
- If I had known then what I know now: words of advice to a new TC
- Facts and ethics in a post-truth era
- Fluff – the eternal challenge
- The Burnout Paradox – coping with the stress in a tc career
- Ciao, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
- First name:
- Leah
- Last name:
- Guren
Contact information:
- E-Mail:
- leah(at)
- Website: