We are proud of our authors! They form the heart and soul of the tcworld magazine. Here is an overview of all the authors who work for us.
The data records are sorted alphabetically according to the surname and can be easily filtered using the search field. In addition to the curriculum vitae and contact details, all articles published by the author so far can be viewed.
Nolwenn Kerzreho
Nolwenn Kerzreho
Nolwenn is an IXIA CCMS Solutions Architect at MadCap Software, a North American content solution company. An international speaker at leading events both onsite and online, she helps customers realize the benefits of unified content management and deliveries. Nolwenn has international experience in the software, chemical, telecom, language, and high-tech industries and holds an MsA in Technical Translation, Project Management, Terminology and Technical Writing.