Acquiring social skills - the key to professional success

Social kills, often also referred to as “soft skills” or “people skills”, are personal skills and abilities. Besides technical knowledge, they are crucial success factors at work. Or, in other words: technical expertise alone is not enough. For the requirements placed on employees and managers also change, especially in times of transition and globalization.

Text by Hansjoerg Schuetz


Acquiring social skills - the key to professional success

The demand for employees with social skills is high among companies. Especially in the race for survival in the market, no company can afford to dispense with quality in customer care and service, and lag behind in differentiating itself from the competition through these. To do so, companies need employees with excellent social skills.

However, social skills rarely feature in the syllabi of schools and colleges. Many companies have noticed this lacuna and organize training measures in the area of social skills and competencies. It is not for nothing that the field of “People Skills” training has been a growth segment in the training and advanced training sector.

What does this involve?

Social skills can be classified into the following categories:

  • General social skills: Emotional intelligence, flexibility, commitment, ability to handle stress, willingness to learn, readiness to ...