Professional online networks - the Bridge to business and information

The world is a village – a village with nearly seven billion inhabitants, to be exact. Through modern travel and electronic means of communication, we’ve come closer to our friends and colleagues all over the globe. There’s no serious reason keeping us from working for customers in other countries, cooperating with partners on other continents, sharing information with peers from all around, networking with all the people we have met along our path during our entire professional and social life, something, that has lately become more popular than ever.

Text by Angela Starkmann


Professional online networks - the Bridge to business and information

The emergence of Web 2.0 (the interactive Web) has also affected the internet: What used to be an alternative medium for 'flat' texts between one singular writer on the one side and his or her readers on the other side has turned into a platform for interactive tools facilitating the exchange of social communication between all users, all of them readers and writers alike. This is a revolutionary development we are just starting to understand - we will all have to try and find our way around it in the next couple of years, and use it as well as we can for our individual professional development.

Many of us are using today’s internet and its social applications in our daily activities already. This also includes 'older' people like myself, who have been raised in a world without computers. Being born in 1969, I remember writing my first university papers on my father's old typewriter and ...