The multiculturalist – beyond one single perspective

Text by Joseph Shaules


The multiculturalist – beyond one single perspective

Years before he burst onto the American political scene with a speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2000, Barack Obama came to the attention of Janet Bennett, the director of the Intercultural Communication Institute in Portland, Oregon. Ms. Bennett is an expert on “integrated marginals” – people who, through their experiences living in different cultural communities, find a way to manage diversity and work across borders exceptionally well.

As early as 1993, after Obama had been elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, Bennett pointed to him as an example of a new type of global leader. According to Ms. Bennett, leaders like Obama are able to leverage a deep understanding of multiple viewpoints, creating a leadership style that goes “beyond any single cultural perspective”. They reconcile seeming opposites and find common ground in the face of apparent ...