A close look at Simplified Technical English

Many misconceptions exist about Simplified Technical English. It is no wonder that this language standard struggles to become widely accepted outside of the aviation industry, although merely three per cent of its vocabulary refers to this sector. It is time to correct these assumptions.

Text by Herbert Kaiser


A close look at Simplified Technical English

Image: © Gennadiy Poznyakov/ 123rf.com

Global communication is the buzzword of our times. Everyone has the opportunity to communicate in global social networks. On a commercial level, companies would like to establish themselves and market their products worldwide, and different units of a multinational company need to communicate with one another. Efficient communication channels are required for such tasks. Can Simplified Technical English fulfill this function?

The language standard has been applied by global players for 27 years, but continues to lead a niche existence. Why is it not implemented more in other sectors? Could it be due to misleading or false information?

Task of technical writers

As agents between product and customer, technical writers have a unique mission: convey technical information to users crisply and clearly.

If this has to take place on a global level, technical writers require a communication ...