How social media can be part of your set of tc skills

As social media continues to strongly influence consumer behavior, companies are looking to engage with influencers to help promote their brands through their populated networks. With their strong communication skills, professional tech writers might be well-suited to fill this role.

Text by Rahul Prabhakar


How social media can be part of your set of tc skills

Image: hocus-focus/

The emergence of social media in the last decade has brought with it a paradigm shift in consumer behavior. Consumers no longer rely on conventional advertisement before making a purchase, but rather turn to their trusted sources within online or social communities. These communities greatly influence their purchasing decision by giving consumers an honest and holistic view of the product or its features.

Brands are beginning to realize the extent of reach and engagement social media influencers have and thus want to work with them in order to champion content on their offerings, drive engagement around their brand, and push traffic to their websites or landing pages.

Technical communicators all over the world are known to have a range of skills or abilities that make them successful in the workplace. Being the best communicators within the organization, they can leverage third-party ...