TC in South Korea: Developing the smart manual

Home to major technology leaders such as Samsung and LG, Korea holds one of the highest smartphone penetration rates globally. Its TC industry is still in its infancy, but with remarkable technological progress comes a new realization and appreciation for technical communication.

Text by Seokhwan Shin


TC in South Korea: Developing the smart manual

Image: Leung Cho Pan/

Smart mobile devices are changing our daily lives. One particular episode recently reminded me of just how dependent we have become on our smartphones: My wife and I were out and about looking for a flower shop. But while she was scanning her mobile, I spotted one right in front of us. The situation revealed to me how reality sometimes seems to provide no more than the background shading for our busy mobile lives.

Technical communication is also changing in this smart mobile world. Ikea, for example, provides not only a printed catalog, but also a mobile catalog app. Thanks to Augmented Reality this app will recognize items recorded by the camera and automatically move to the detailed information and demo.

When it comes to the use of smartphones, Korea is a frontrunner. According to Google’s 2013 Our Mobile Planet Smartphone Research Report, over 73 percent of Koreans use smartphones. ...