tekom study: Cost and effectiveness of terminology work

The subject of terminology work often causes controversial discussions within companies. Some look at it mainly from a cost and investment related angle, whereas for others terminology work is a definite must in order to achieve an improvement in quality and efficiency. To solve this conflict tekom conducted a cost and effectiveness study on terminology work. Amongst others the study contains sections on the theoretical base of terminology work, user experiences and case studies, indices for the cost effectiveness analyses, an overview of terminology management systems, terminology extraction and control as well as a description of the most important functions of software systems for terminology work. Furthermore, the study provides the results of an online survey on practical terminology work in companies.

Text by Daniela Straub Klaus-Dirk Schmitz


tekom study: Cost and effectiveness of terminology work

Terminology is an essential knowledge provider in technical communication. Especially in companies, many divisions are dealing with the development, dissemination and use of terminology. Terminology ranges from construction and marketing, technical writing and training to translation and localization. In addition, the company’s internal communication as well as the communication between companies and their clients is based on consistent and understandable terminology. Therefore, companies have to deal with processes and methods of terminology, and use tools for terminology management.

Survey results

In mid 2009, tekom asked approximately 1000 tekom members about their experiences with and evaluation of terminology work in their field. The collected data of 940 respondents was analyzed. About 34 percent of participants were managers, 64 percent were employees and 2 percent were ...