Conversations flow very differently in different languages and countries. But does your chatbot know that? Here is what to keep in mind when localizing conversational agents.
Chatbots, machine-authored text, and automated information retrieval and summarization: These topics are increasingly important to global businesses seeking to interact more efficiently with customers and meet their needs. Recent developments in this area have been spectacular, and AI-driven intelligent agents (chatbots and virtual digital assistants such as Siri, Cortana, and Alexa) are among the most visible success cases for machine-generated content. Enterprises look to these applications as ways to reduce costs, engage users, and create entirely new classes of goods and services.
Unfortunately, as they seek to build these services, they very quickly run into walls that threaten the viability of their development efforts:
1. Most intelligent content frameworks support only a handful of languages.
The most common frameworks are essentially monolingual and built around English or ...
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