TAPICC and the language industry’s quest for interoperability

A collaborative, pre-standardization initiative strives to build consensus on use cases, metadata, and best practices for translation APIs.

Text by Allison Ferch


TAPICC and the language industry’s quest for interoperability

TAPICC and the language industry’s quest for interoperability

For professionals handling multilingual content, the translation round-trip – or the transfer of data between various platforms and systems – is an important factor that can have a significant impact on project cost and time to completion. If you stop to think about the complexity of modern-day content management and the numerous types of systems involved, you can see how desirable interoperability is, and why it’s worthwhile to strive for a standardized approach to the translation round-trip. 

The problem

This common challenge has traditionally been solved by using API integration, or system-to-system communication that enables automation of repetitive tasks such as extraction and file transfer. The problem, however, is that there is an overabundance of customized APIs between a staggering number of systems and platforms. Customized API solutions require a commitment to a particular ...