tekom Spring Conference 2010: Discover Schweinfurt

The Spring Conference on the 29th and 30th of April is guided by the motto “Successful in times of change”. At the Hotel Mercure and Schweinfurt Main Island Conference Centre, exhibitors, participants and visitors can find out how Technical Communication is changing through the effects of the economic crisis and other factors, and how to overcome the newly emerging challenges.

Text by Marlies Ibele


tekom Spring Conference 2010: Discover Schweinfurt

The conference program includes podium discussions, workshops and tutorials. Apart from the main topics, lecture presentations will also be held on the standardization of information, terminology work, training and knowledge management. The organizers are excited to announce Martin Heß as the keynote address. The psychologist and trainer will address the issue “Staying optimistic in the midst of the crisis?”

Participants can also visit an exhibition where 40 companies present their authoring services and novelties in their domain, such as in content management, catalogue creation, translation, quality checking, project management, terminology maintenance and online help.

The conference location

Schweinfurt is closely connected to inventions that have changed the world: ball and roller bearings and the modern bicycle with the free hub originated here. It was also Schweinfurt-based ...