Standards for software documentation

Standards can greatly assist technical writers, documentation managers, designers and developers. But which standard applies to which team member and which ones are most useful in software documentation?

Text by Annette D. Reilly


Standards for software documentation

Image: @MistikaS/

Standards for software documentation are important tools for technical writers. They provide content creators with the requirements for information products and guide them through the process of developing such products. They ensure that the information content, structure and format are suitable for the intended audience. And they can help other stakeholders concerned with software processes, including software users.

This article is intended to help content creators evaluate, select, and apply appropriate standards. It focuses on international standards from ISO, IEC, and IEEE.

Why we need standards

Software providers want their products to be usable. Usability is the "extent to which a system, product or service can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use" (ISO/IEC 25064:2013).

Software ...